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(西安培华学院 智能科学与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710125)

摘  要:“有机农产品”这个词大家一定不陌生,但由于市场缺乏普遍的信用凭证,人们对于所购买的有机农产品并不能做到百分百地放心。因此,对农产品进行溯源和追踪变得尤为重要。近年区块链技术发展迅速,该技术引起了广大专家学者的关注,成为热门话题。区块链具有去中心化、信息安全可信等特点。如果将区块链技术应用于农产品溯源系统中,可以很好地检验有机农产品的真实性。本文介绍了区块链的形成过程,分析了区块链的特征和技术,重点研究了区块链技术在农产品溯源系统中的应用,并构建了一个基于区块链技术的溯源系统模型。


中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0192-03

Application of Blockchain Technology in Traceability System ofAgricultural Products
LI Jing,MAO Lijun
(School of Intelligent Science and Information Engineering,Xi’an Peihua University,Xi’an 710125,China)

Abstract:You must be familiar with the word“organic agricultural products”,but because of the lack of universal credit vouchers in the market,people can’t be reassured by the purchase of organic agricultural products. Therefore,it is particularly important to trace the agricultural products. The Blockchain technology has developed rapidly in recent years. This technology has aroused the attention of experts and scholars,and has become a hot topic. The Blockchain has the characteristics of decentralization, information security and trustworthiness. If the Blockchain is applied to the traceability system of agricultural products,the authenticity of organic agricultural products can be well tested. This paper introduces the formation process of Blockchain,describes the characteristics of Blockchain,and analyzes the model and the key technologies of Blockchain system. This paper mainly studies the application of Blockchain technology in traceability system of agricultural products. At last,the paper constructs a traceability system model based on the Blockchain technologies.

Keywords:Blockchain technologies;organic agricultural products;traceability system


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