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(北方工业大学 电气与控制工程学院,北京 100144)

摘  要:植树机内置 5G 通信模块,传感器将环境数据传送给工作站,形成云端大数据库指导区域植被修复工程。采用基于蚁群算法的群体智能协作系统,大大提高栽种效率。搭载双轴转动的光伏板,同步追踪太阳能光强极点,将太阳能利用率最大化。最大放大电能转移过程中的流失率低至 0.2%,能量增值效益达到 8 ~ 30 倍,从而实现节约电能的目的。

关键词:5G 通信;节水灌溉;太阳能追踪;物联网大数据;群体智能系统


中图分类号:TN929.5                                      文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0178-04

Tree Planter of Independent Planting Irrigation Based on Photovoltaic New Energy and Group Intelligence

WANG Wanting, WANG Peng

(School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)

Abstract: The tree planter has a built-in 5G communication module, and the sensor transmits the environmental data to the workstation. It forms a large cloud database to guide the regional vegetation restoration project. The group intelligence cooperation system based on Ant Colony Optimization is adopted to greatly improve the planting efficiency. Equipped with dual-axis rotating photovoltaic panels synchronously track the solar light intensity poles to maximize solar energy utilization rate. The loss rate in the process of maximum amplification electric energy transfer is as low as 0.2%, and the energy value-added benefit reaches 8-30 times, thus realizing the purpose of saving electric energy. 

Keywords: 5G communication; water-saving irrigation; solar tracking; big data of Internet of Things; group intelligence system 


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