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(郑州西亚斯学院 电子信息工程学院,河南 郑州 451150)

摘  要:文章设计一款 52 单片机为主控的疫情防控系统,利用红外传感器的辐射热效应检测来往人员的体温状况,并由单片机进行信号的分析与处理,体温状况的结果由液晶显示器实时显示,如果检测到体温异常的人员通过该系统时,蜂鸣器会发出警报,由主控系统发出对应的 PWM 波控制舵机的运行使门禁系统关闭通道禁止人员通行,有效做到隔离感染源。



基金项目:2021 年河南省高校省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目“疫情防火墙”(S202114654004);郑州西亚斯学院校级项目(SYCX-2021-103)

中图分类号:TP273;TN92                        文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0195-04

Epidemic Situation Prevention and Control System Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer

DONG Xu, MA Youjie, ZHU Longfei, ZHANG Cunjie, Xie Sa

(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, SIAS University, Zhengzhou 451150, China)

Abstract: This paper designs an epidemic situation prevention and control system based on 52 Single-Chip Microcomputer. It uses radiation thermal effect of infrared sensor to detect the temperature condition of people coming and going, and the signal is analyzed and processed by Single-Chip Microcomputer, and the result of temperature condition is displayed by liquid crystal display in real time. If it detects there are people with abnormal temperature pass through the system, the buzzer will sound an alarm, and the main control system will send out the corresponding PWM wave to control the operation of steering engine to make the entrance guard system close the channel and prohibit people from passing, thus effectively isolating the infection source.

Keywords: epidemic situation prevention and control; Single-Chip Microcomputer; MLX90614; steering engine


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