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王庆娟¹ ,周肖树¹ ,赵刃²
(1. 北京理工大学珠海学院,广东 珠海 519088;2. 珠海迈克芬科技有限公司,广东 珠海 519031)

摘  要:随着人们日常生活用电量的不断增加,各类火灾事故频发,这对消防设备的自动化和智能化程度提出了更高的要求。然而国内外市场中仍缺少能够精准灭火的全自动智能消防系统。为此,文章构建一个智能化主动消防系统,该系统分为三大部分:主动探测系统、消防机器人和信息调度平台。主动探测系统用于监测环境数据进而做出火警预判;消防机器人负责完成自主路径规划、火源定位和精准灭火的功能;信息调度平台实现对系统的监控、火灾实时报警、信息处理和机器人调度。




中图分类号:TP277                                    文献标识码:A                                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0173-04

Research on an Intelligent Active Fire Fighting System

WANG Qingjuan1, ZHOU Xiaoshu1, ZHAO Ren2

(1.Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai  519088, China; 2.Zhuhai Microfence Technologies Co. Ltd., Zhuhai 519031, China)

Abstract: With the continuous increase of power consumption in people's daily life, various fire accidents occur frequently, which puts forward higher requirements for the automation and intelligence of fire fighting equipments. However, there is still a lack of fully automatic intelligent fire fighting system that can accurately extinguish fire in domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, this paper constructs an intelligent active fire fighting system, which is divided into three parts: active detection system, fire fighting robot and information dispatching platform. The active detection system is used to monitor environmental data and make fire alarm prediction; the fire fighting robot is responsible for completing the functions of autonomous path planning, fire source positioning and accurate fire extinguishing; the information dispatching platform realizes the monitoring of the system, real-time fire alarm, information processing and robot dispatching.

Keywords: Internet of things; intelligent; fire fighting system


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