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基于 STC89C52 单片机的智能宿舍系统设计
(菏泽医学专科学校,山东 菏泽 274000)

摘  要:通过 STC89C52 单片机和物联网技术研究设计了一套智能宿舍系统,该系统能实时检测和显示宿舍内温度、湿度及火情情况,当出现火灾异常情况时及时报警提示,以便采取应对措施。系统通过 Wi-Fi 技术将数据传输至手机端 APP,用户通过手机端 APP 能够实现数据查看,同时能够实现对宿舍内电灯、空调的远程控制。实验表明系统实现了全部预设功能,具有良好的人机互动性。

关键词:智能宿舍;STC89C52 单片机;物联网技术;手机端 APP


中图分类号:TN79                                        文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0181-03

Design of Intelligent Dormitory System Based on STC89C52 Single-Chip Microcomputer

LI Xiaolei, WANG Xuehe

(Heze Medical College, Heze 274000, China)

Abstract: Through the research of STC89C52 Single-Chip Microcomputer and Internet of things technology, an intelligent dormitory system is designed. The system can detect and display the temperature, humidity and fire situation in the dormitory in real time, and alarm timely and prompt when there is an abnormal fire situation, so that countermeasures can be taken. The system transmits data to the APP on the mobile phone through Wi-Fi technology. The user can view the data through the APP on the mobile phone, and control remotely the lights and air conditioners in the dormitory. Experiments show that the system has realized all the preset functions, and achieve good human-machine interaction.

Key words: intelligent dormitory; STC89C52 Single-Chip Microcomputer; Internet of things technology; mobile phone APP


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