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(神华北电胜利能源有限公司,内蒙古 锡林浩特 026015)

摘  要:露天矿供配电系统人工管理日趋困难,为适应露天矿山信息化、智能化建设进程,提高供配电系统信息化管理水平,实现安全高效的供配电,更换低效不够安全的人工供配电系统管理是必要和紧迫的。鉴于此,通过供配电网络信息管理系统的设计与开发,通过数字化、智能化手段,可以有效加强供配电系统的安全管理,防范供电安全风险。在提高工作效率的同时,可以省去人工分配系统的复杂流程。



中图分类号:TP311                                           文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0188-04

Design of Information Management System for Power Supply and Distribution Network in Open-Pit Mine

MA Yuan, SHI Pudong, HE Xilong, LI Zaiyou

(Shenhua Nortel Shengli Energy Co., Ltd., Xilinhot 026015, China)

Abstract: The manual management of the power supply and distribution system of open-pit mines is becoming more and more difficult. In order to adapt to the informatization and intelligent construction process of open-pit mines, improve the informatization management level of the power supply and distribution system, realize safe and efficient power supply and distribution, and replace inefficient and unsafe manual power supply and distribution system management is necessary and urgent. In view of this, through the design and development of the power supply and distribution network information management system, through digital and intelligent means, the safety management of the power supply and distribution system can be effectively strengthened to prevent power supply safety risks. While improving work efficiency, it can save the complicated process of manual distribution system.

Keywords: open pit mine; power supply and distribution network; informatization; management system


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