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基于 Wi-Fi 技术的双模式手机遥控救生圈
(浙江水利水电学院 机械与汽车工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018)

摘  要:近年来溺水人数不断增加,通过调查发现现有救生装置在施救时存在救援不及时,救援效率不高等问题。基于Wi-Fi 技术,通过自主研发的手机 APP,设计了一种双模式手机遥控智能救生圈。该救生圈由手机遥控板块、单片机控制板块、动力转向板块、避障模块等部分构成,可通过自动模式或手动模式进行操控,操作简便,适用于多种水域环境,其双模式控制方法可有效提高救援率。

关键词:Wi-Fi 技术;智能救生圈;手机 APP;双模式


基金项目:2021 年度浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗人才计划)项目(2021R423001);浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y201942581)

中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0146-04

Dual-mode Mobile Phone Remote Control Lifebuoy Based on Wi-Fi Technology

GUO Xunwen, FENG Yan

(School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Abstract: In recent years, the number of drowning people has been increasing. Through the investigation, it is found that the existing life-saving devices have the problems of untimely rescue, low rescue efficiency and so on. Based on Wi-Fi technology, a dual-mode mobile phone remote control intelligent lifebuoy is designed through the self-developed mobile phone APP. The lifebuoy is composed of mobile phone remote control plate, Single-Chip Microcomputer control plate, power steering plate, obstacle avoidance module and other parts. It can be operated in automatic mode or manual mode, It is easy to operate and is suitable for a variety of water environment. Its dual-mode control method can effectively improve the rescue rate.

Keywords: Wi-Fi technology; intelligent lifebuoy; mobile phone APP; dual-mode


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作者简介:郭勋文(2000—),男,汉族,江西宜春人,本科在读,研究方向:智能驱动与控制技术;通讯作者:冯燕(1985—),女,汉族,浙江海宁人,讲师,博士 , 研究方向:机械产品智能化设计与开发。