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(深圳市人民医院,广东 深圳 518020)

摘  要:基于先进的院内外一体化 3D 地图技术和院内外一体化 GPS/ 蓝牙指纹定位融合惯性导航的定位导航技术,将院内实时导航融入患者就诊全流程的线上 / 线下业务当中,通过物联网技术实现患者可视化的导诊导航。结果表明,深圳市人民医院部署的智能院内实时导航系统,能够解决患者就诊全流程过程中找人、找地、找车难的实际问题,提升医院智慧服务水平,降低医院的导诊工作量。

关键词:物联网技术;3D 地图技术;全流程导航;GPS;蓝牙指纹


中图分类号:TN929.5                                     文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0153-05

Research and Application on Navigation System in Hospital Based on Internet of Things Positioning Technology

DING Wanfu, DONG Guoying, TANG Xuemin, XIA Yan, ZENG Zhenjiang

(Shenzhen People’s Hospital, Shenzhen 518020, China)

Abstract: Based on the advanced integrated 3D map technology inside and outside the hospital and the positioning and navigation technology of integrated GPS/bluetooth fingerprint positioning and inertial navigation inside and outside the hospital, the real-time navigation in the hospital is integrated into the online/offline business of the whole process of patient treatment, and the patient visual guidance and navigation is realized through Internet of Things technology. The results show that the intelligent real-time navigation system in hospital deployed by Shenzhen People’s Hospital can solve the practical problems of difficulty in finding people, places and cars in the whole process of patient treatment, which improves the intelligent service level of the hospital and reduces the workload of hospital guidance.

Keywords: IInternet of Things technology; 3D map technology; whole process navigation; GPS; bluetooth fingerprint


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