摘 要:文章设计了一个基于 NB-IoT 技术的智慧停车管理系统,温湿度传感器、光敏传感器终端作为采集单元,采集温度、湿度、光照强度等信息,北斗 +GPS 双模定位作为通信单元,提供位置服务,STM32 单片机作为接收和处理数据单元,对数据进行处理和分发。然后将信息发送到 BC20 通信模块,BC20 通信模块将信息进行无线传输到阿里云平台服务器,适用于各级政府机关、企事业单位、综合性医疗机构、高等学校、城市道路的停车管理。
关键词:智慧停车场;窄带物联网 NB-IoT;STM32 单片机;云平台
中图分类号:U495 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0149-05
Design on Smart Parking Management System Based on NB-IoT Technology
WU Liang
(China Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210014, China)
Abstract: This paper designs a smart parking management system based on NB-IoT technology. The temperature and humidity sensors and photosensitive sensor terminals are used as acquisition units to collect temperature, humidity, light intensity and other information. BDS+GPS dual-mode positioning is used as a communication unit to provide location services, and STM32 Single-Chip Microcomputer is used as a receiving and processing data unit to process and distribute data. Then the information is sent to the BC20 communication module. The BC20 communication module wirelessly transmits the information to the Alibaba Cloud Platform server, which is suitable for parking management of government agencies at all levels, enterprises and institutions, comprehensive medical institutions, colleges and universities, and urban roads.
Keywords: smart parking lot; Narrow band Internet of Things (NB-IoT); STM32 Single-Chip Microcomputer; Cloud Platform
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