摘 要:随着我国交通基础建设的快速发展,桥梁总存量增加,为维护众多桥梁的日常运营,桥梁结构健康监测工作的重要性愈发凸显。目前,大多数的桥梁结构监测依旧采用人工定期监测的方式,该方式存在监测周期长、隐变量多、工程师人才稀缺等问题。文章基于物联网架构融合多网连接技术对杭州某典型桥梁开展了全部位结构动态健康监测。基于微服务架构,搭建了一套从桥梁基本信息管理、结构监测数据自动采集,到数据分析、自动预警的桥梁健康管理平台。
中图分类号:TP311;U446 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0159-05
Bridge Structural Health Monitoring and Smart Early Warning Platform Construction Based on Internet of Things
XU Zheneng1, ZHENG Shuqian1, WANG Yesheng2, GUAN Shuping1, QIU Peng1
(1.Zhejiang Huadong Mapping and Engineering Safety Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310014, China; 2.Power China Huadong Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311122, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of Chinese transportation infrastructure, the total stock of bridges is increasing. In order to maintain the daily operation of many bridges, the importance of bridge structural health monitoring work is becoming more and more prominent. At present, the majority of bridge structure monitoring still adopts the method of manual periodic monitoring, which has problems such as long monitoring periods, many hidden variables, and the shortage of engineers. This paper is based on the Internet of Things architecture and fuses the multi-network connection technology to carry out dynamic and full coverage structural health monitoring of a typical bridge in Hangzhou. Based on the microservice architecture, a set of bridge health management platform is established from bridge basic information management, structural automation monitoring data acquisition, data analysis, and automation warning.
Keywords: bridge health monitoring; Internet of Things; microservice
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