摘 要:全业务运营导致发展融合业务的迫切性,决定了业务支撑系统向全业务支撑方向演进的方式。上海移动在业务支撑系统层面必须从全业务运营的支撑需求出发,并以集客和家宽业务为主,在新的竞争格局下形成竞争力,因而对全业务支撑提出了新的需求。本文借鉴此类系统建设经验,剖析现有业务支撑系统存在的问题,并根据全业务运营需求提出基于GIS 的网格化全业务支撑研究方案。
中图分类号:TN915.07;P208 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0194-03
Research on GIS Gridding Full-operations Support System
(China Mobile Group Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai Branch,Shanghai 200060,China)
Abstract:Full-service operations make the operators urgent to develop in fixed–mobile convergence (FMC) services,and it means the IT support system must provide the full services support for the company. Therefore,China Mobile(Shanghai)had to ensure its IT support system can fulfill the development of the full-service operations,and also focus on developing the fixed-broadband and family broadband service rapidly to improve its own competitiveness which puts new demands on full-service support. This paper draws upon the system building experience of others,analyzes the problems in the existing IT support system of the company,and presents a gridding GIS research proposal according to the demands of full-service operations.
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