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基于IPv6-VPN 的物联网本质安全方法构想
(1. 上海昊长环保科技有限公司,上海 201610;2. 中国石油运输有限公司土库曼斯坦分公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830014;3. 上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093)

摘  要:物联网时代终将到来,IPv6 地址的使用需求不断提高以及IPv6 地址的普及必将成为现实,但是物联网存在信息泄露等安全性问题,某些方面可以使用VPN 技术加以解决。物联网中的私人设备与用户相联结的设备(即该用户所掌控设备组成的物联网的核心设备)通过VPN 技术合理联结,使物联网的安全性得到有效提高。


中图分类号:TP393.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0191-03

IPv6-VPN Based Internet of Things Intrinsic Security Methodology
WU Qunhui1,GAN Yong2,WANG Kaili3
(1.Shanghai HEST Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201610,China;2.Turkmenistan Branch of China PetroleumTransportation Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi 830014,China;3.University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,School of Optical-Electricaland Computer Engineering,Shanghai 200093,China)

Abstract:In view of the coming of the internet of things,the need for the use of IPv6 addresses and the popularity of IPv6 addresseswill become a reality. But there are security problems such as information leakage in the internet of things,and some aspects can be solvedby using VPN technology. The equipment associated with the user in the internet of things (the core equipment of the internet of things that theuser controls the equipment) is connected by VPN technology so that the security of the internet of things is effectively improved.



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