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(德宏传媒集团,云南 德宏 678400)

摘  要:计算机网络技术快速发展,网络系统在给人们的生产生活带来极大便利的同时,也给人们工作、生活带来了很多的不安全问题,网络安全问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。文章简单阐述了计算机网络安全的重要意义,总结分析了目前计算机网络安全面临的主要安全问题,并基于此提出了几点解决措施,以期促进计算机网络安全水平的提升。


中图分类号:TP393.08         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0168-02

Talking about Computer Network Security Problems and Solutions
ZHANG Xingguang
(Dehong Media Group,Dehong 678400,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of computer network technology,network system not only brings great convenience to people’s production and life,but also brings many unsafe problems to people’s work and life. Network security has become the focus of attention. This paper briefly expounds the importance of computer network security,summarizes and analyses the main security problems faced by computer network security at present,and puts forward several solutions based on this,in order to promote the improvement of computer network security level.

Keywordscomputer;network security;computer virus;information security


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