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(江苏省政府办公厅,江苏 南京 210042)

摘  要:信息化时代的到来为我们的生活提供了许多的便利,但与此同时,一些信息安全的问题却层出不穷。在这个信息化的时代中信息安全的重要性得到越来越多的人的关注。信息安全在一定程度上与我们的生活密切相关,小到个人信息,大到国家机密,都离不开信息,所以对信息安全的保护工作要给与足够的重视。信息安全的保障不仅仅需要相关工作人员的不断努力,还需要我们每个人提高自己的防范意识。本文将对信息安全监管工作和信息安全的重要性做以论述,希望可以提高人们信息安全的意识。 关键词:


中图分类号:TP393.08         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0146-03

The Importance of Information Security

CHE Hongbin

(Jiangsu Provincial Government Office,Nanjing  210042,China)

Abstract:The advent of the information age has provided many conveniences for our life,but at the same time,some information security problems emerge in an endless stream. In this information era,the importance of information security has been paid more and more attention. To some extent,information security is closely related to our life. Information to individuals is too large to be classified into national secrets. Therefore,we must pay enough attention to the protection of information security. The guarantee of information security requires not only the continuous efforts of the relevant staff,but also the awareness of each of us. This article will discuss the importance of information security supervision and information security,and hope to improve the awareness of people's information security.

Keywords:information security;protection;importance


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[2] 张国华. 主机数据泄露防护技术研究 [D]. 南京大学,2012.
