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(辽宁师范大学 政府管理学院,辽宁 大连 116029)

摘  要:本文针对当前社交网络隐私泄露的现象,构建个人隐私泄露防范能力评价体系,量化描述社交用户的信息安全等级。在文献研究和专家访谈的基础上,采用层次分析法(AHP)计算各级指标的综合权重。通过问卷调查收集数据,计算社交网络的隐私安全防范等级。实证分析结果表明,60% 左右国内社交用户的隐私泄露防范能力等级略高于中等水平,隐私安全意识有所提高。综合来看,移动社交网络的个人隐私泄露防范能力评价体系具有较好的可行性,可以有效地帮助社交用户进行自我评测,以判断隐私泄露防范能力等级。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0144-04、

Evaluation of Personal Privacy Leakage Prevention Ability Based on
Mobile Social Network
WANG Xueting,SUN Xiaoya
(School of Government,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China)

Abstract:In view of the phenomenon of social network privacy leakage,a personal privacy leakage prevention capability evaluation system is constructed to quantitatively describe the information security level of social users. On the basis of literature research and expert interviews,the AHP method is used to calculate the comprehensive weights of indicators at all levels. Collect data through questionnaires and calculate the level of privacy security for social networks. The empirical analysis shows that about 60% of domestic social users have a slightly higher level of privacy leakage prevention than the medium level,and the awareness of privacy security has improved. On the whole,the personal privacy leakage prevention capability evaluation system of mobile social networks has good feasibility,which can effectively help social users to self-assess and judge the privacy leakage prevention ability level.

Keywords:social network;privacy disclosure;analytic hierarchy process


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