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(1. 国网信通亿力科技有限责任公司,福建 福州 350001;2. 国网甘肃省电力公司信息通信公司3. 甘肃同兴智能科技发展有限责任公司,甘肃 兰州 730030),甘肃 兰州 730050;

摘  要:智能硬件即通过软硬件结合的方式,对传统设备进行改造使其拥有智能化的功能。智能化之后,硬件具备连接的能力,实现互联网服务的加载,形成“云+ 端”的典型架构,具备了大数据等附加价值。本文从分析智能硬件的“云”、“端”和“连接”等几方面的安全威胁,并根据已有的安全技术手段提出了扩展等级保护的智能硬件安全防护措施,在一定程度上能够解决智能硬件的安全问题,为智能硬件安全防护提供一定的理论指导。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0153-03

Research on Intelligent Hardware Security Based on Hierarchical Protection

CHEN Wu1,WANG Gang2,DENG Huixian1,WU Tianyu3

(1.State Grid Xintong Yili Technology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350001,China;2.State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company,Lanzhou730050,China;3.Gansu Shining Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Lanzhou 730030,China)

Abstract:Intelligent hardware is a combination of hardware and software,the transformation of traditional equipment to enable itto have the function of intelligent. After intelligent,the hardware has the ability to connect,to achieve the loading of internet services,the formation of the cloud + end typical architecture,with the additional value of the big data. Based on the analysis of intelligent hardwarecloud,end and connected and so on several aspects of security threats,and puts forward the intelligent hardware safety protectionmeasures extended protection according to existing security technology,security problems to a certain extent can solve the problem ofintelligent hardware,provide some theoretical guidance for intelligence hardware security protection.

Keywords:intelligent hardware;cloud computing security;hierarchical protection;mobile application security


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