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(连云港中复连众复合材料集团有限公司,江苏 连云港 222006)

摘  要:随着现代社会的不断发展,风电企业也呈现出迅速发展的态势,但是风电企业在迅速发展的过程中,对安全运维管理的要求也在不断增加,尤其是随着现代社会科学技术、信息技术以及计算机技术的迅猛发展,风电企业信息系统安全运维管理所面临的威胁也越来越大,所以我们在云桌面的基础上,针对其在风电企业信息系统安全运维管理中的应用进行了分析研究,希望通过本文的分析研究可以为风电企业信息系统安全运维管理提供一些实操性的建议,从而促进我国风电企业信息系统安全运维管理的发展进步。


中图分类号:F426.61;TP393.08         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0163-02

Application of Cloud Desktop in Security Operation and Maintenance Managementof Power Enterprise Information System

ZHANG Zhening

(Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Material Group Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222006,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of modern society,wind power enterprises also show a rapid development trend,but at the same time,in the process of rapid development of wind power enterprises,the requirements for safe operation and maintenance are also increasing,especially with the modern social science technology,information technology and computer technology. With the rapid development and progress,the threat of the safety operation and maintenance management of the wind power enterprise information system is becoming more and more serious,so on the basis of the cloud desktop,we analyze and study its application in the management of the security operation and maintenance of the wind power enterprise information system,through the analysis of this paper,we hope to provide some practical suggestions for the safety operation and maintenance management of the wind power enterprise information system,so as to promote the development and progress of the safety operation and maintenance management of the information system of wind power enterprises in China.

Keywordscloud desktop;wind power enterprise;information system;security operation and maintenance


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