摘 要:随着信息时代的来临,现如今部分企业已经开始正视信息在生产、管理和销售中扮演的角色,信息的作用也是显而易见——给这些企业带来了效率与利润。然而随着我国企业越来越依赖信息化,企业的信息在网络上高速流转和传播时,一部分企业还没有意识到网络信息安全防护问题的重要性和必要性,不可避免地增加了信息泄露,被病毒、黑客攻击的概率。有效确保我国企业网络信息安全,这需要企业加大对信息安全的重视程度,进而促进我国企业更好的发展。
中图分类号:TP393.08 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0169-02
Analysis of Causes and Protection Methods of Enterprise Information Security Problems
NIE Rongjing
(China Railway Signal and Communication Shanghai Engineering Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.,Jinan Branch,Jinan 250100,China)
Abstract:With the advent of the information age,Now some companies have begun to face up to the role of information inproduction,management and sales,and the role of information is obvious-the efficiency and profit of these enterprises. However,as China’senterprises rely more and more on information,the information of enterprises in the high-speed circulation and dissemination of the network,some enterprises have not yet realized the importance and necessity of the network information security protection. Inevitably,the informationis leaked,the probability of being attacked by the virus and the hackers. To ensure the network information security of Chinese enterpriseseffectively,enterprises need to pay more attention to information security,and then promote the better development of Chinese enterprises.
Keywords:modern enterprise;information security;network security technology;protection mode
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