摘 要:随着大数据时代的到来,公民的个人信息泄露问题越来越严重,严重影响社会的安宁和谐,主要原因是计算机网络安全防护工作不到位,从而造成了用户隐私的泄露。本文就大数据时代下计算机网络安全与防范措施进行了研究分析。
中图分类号:TP393.08 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0169-02
Talking about C om puter N etw ork Security and Preventive M easures inthe A ge of Big D ata
CAO Li,XIA Zhexue,LI Shaoxiong
(China People’s Liberation Army 75841 Force 70 Team,Kunming 650100,China)
Abstract: With the arrival of big data era,the problem of personal information leakage of citizens becomes more and moreserious,which seriously affects the peace and harmony of society. The main reason is that the work of computer network securityprotection has not been done in place. As a result,the privacy of the user has been compromised. This paper studies and analyses thecomputer network security and preventive measures in the era of big data.
Keywords: big data era;computer network security;preventive measures
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