摘 要:家里安装一个摄像头,手机上安装一个移动APP,就可以远程查看家里的情况了,十分方便。现代家庭中,智能摄像头已经日趋普及。通过手机上的移动APP,可以随时查看老人在家的安全状况,保姆带娃的尽责状态以及有没有小偷进入等,不少人把这些智能摄像头看成“家庭安全盾牌”。本文主要分析家用智能摄像头的使用安全风险和应对措施。
中图分类号:TP309.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0172-03
Analysis of Network Security Problem of Home Smart Camera andIts Countermeasure
(Nanan District Division of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau,Chongqing 400060,China)
Abstract:With a camera installing at home and an APP on your mobile phone,it’s very convenient to view the situation at home remotely,smart cameras are more and more popular in modern houses. Through the APP on your phone,things are always visible what happened to the old parents at home,whether the babysitter is responsible enough and whether there are thieves in,and so on,many people regard these smart cameras as “home security shields”. This paper discusses the security problems in using home smart cameras and how to keep the camera personal in technology and law.
Keywords:smart camera;smart home;network security
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