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洪竟雄 ¹,周建玲 ²
(1. 重庆市九龙坡区教育信息技术与装备中心,重庆 400050;2. 重庆市九龙坡区教师进修学学院,重庆 400050)

摘  要:习近平总书记在谈网络安全时指出:没有网络安全就没有国家安全。重庆市九龙坡区(以下简称“我区”)于2006 年建成了教育城域网,2017 年进行了第二轮改造工作。全区实现了网络内部实行统一出口、实名认证,学校的网络安全压力相对较小。但由于部分学校校园网站是独立的网络出口,按照谁经营、谁负责的原则,学校承担了较大的网络安全压力。由于学校没有较强的网络安全管理团队,网络安全设备较落后,部分学校不愿意实施网络安全等级保护。我区经过调研、论证、统一招标建成一个学校校园网站群管理平台,集成区域内所有校园网站,统一完成网络安全三级保护建设,加强统一管理力度,做好安全巡检工作,大大降低了学校网络安全风险,给区域内所有校园网站安装了一个“安全防护罩”。


中图分类号:TP309.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0155-03

Campus Website Group Management Platform Helps Regional Campus Network Security Protection

HONG Jingxiong1,ZHOU Jianling2

(1.Chongqing Jiulongpo Educational Information Technology and Equipment Center,Chongqing 400050,China;2.Chongqing Jiulongpo Teachers’College of Further Education,Chongqing 400050,China)

Abstract:General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that there is no national security without network security. In 2006,the education metropolitan area network was built in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing,and the second round of transformation was carried out in 2017. The whole district has implemented unified export and real-name certification within the network,and the pressure of network security of schools is relatively small. However,some school campus websites are independent network outlets.According to the principle of who operates and who is responsible,the school undertakes a greater pressure on network security.Because the school does not have a strong network security management team,network security equipment is relatively backward,some schools are unwilling to implement network security level protection. After investigation and demonstration,our district has built a management platform of campus website group through unified bidding,integrated all campus websites in the region,completed the three-level protection construction of network security,strengthened unified management,and completed the security inspection work,which greatly reduced the risk of school network security,and installed a “safety shield”for all campus

websites in the region.

Keywords:campus website;management platform;network security


[1] 李璐. 校园计算机网络安全 风险的防范与控制 [J]. 网络安全技术与应用,2006(8):71-73.

[2] 董琳琳,崔野. 数字化校园网络安全防范机制构建与应用初探 [J]. 网络安全技术与应用,2017(5):98-99.

[3] 林芸. 校园网络环境下大学生访问网络不良信息的分析与对策研究 [D]. 昆明:云南师范大学,2015.
