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(广州大学华软软件学院 基础部,广东 广州 510990)

摘  要:本文以个人信息泄露后对个人造成危害的重要程度和根据已有信息能否快速确定某个人的特征为依据,将个人信息分成三类:网络行为信息、个人属性信息、个人重要信息。对应的安全保护级别为:一般保护、基本保护、重点保护。对其分别采取相应的安全保护技术手段:日常防护措施、安全管理中心体制下的匿名保护技术、水印隐藏与溯源相结合的技术。加大监管网络平台环境的力度,增强个人信息安全管理的保障。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0121-03

Re-exploration on Classified Protection of Personal Information Security

SHANG Xiaoyang

(Basic Department of South China Institute of Software Engineering of Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510990,China)

Abstract:This paper divides personal information into three categories:network behavior information,personal attribute information and personal important information,based on the importance of personal information harmful to individuals and whether the existing information can quickly determine the characteristics of a person. The corresponding level of security protection:general protection,basic protection and key protection. Corresponding security protection technology means are adopted:daily protection measures,anonymous protection technology under the security management center system,and the combination of watermarking hiding and traceability technology. Strengthen the supervision of the network platform environment and enhance the protection of personal information security management.

Keywords:personal information;network behavior information;anonymous protection;watermarking hiding and traceability


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