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(宜兴高等职业技术学校,江苏 宜兴 214200)

摘  要:当前,云计算与大数据成为世界上各个国家信息战略的核心。因此,云计算与大数据下的个人信息安全协同问题日益受到人们的重视。本文对云计算与大数据进行了概述,阐述了云计算与大数据下个人信息安全协同的意义,个人信息安全存在的问题进行了详细分析,重点论述了个人信息安全协同保护的策略,保证了个人信息的安全,推动了云计算与大数据的发展。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0149-02

Analysis of Personal Information Security Collaboration under the Background of Cloud Computing and Big Data

SUN Yanqin

(Yixing Higher Vocational School,Yixing 214200,China)

Abstract:At present,cloud computing and big data have become the core of information strategy of every country in the world.Therefore,people pay more and more attention to the collaboration of personal information security under cloud computing and big data.This paper summarizes cloud computing and big data,expounds the significance of personal information security coordination under cloud computing and big data,and analyses in detail the problems existing in personal information security under cloud computing and big data.

It focuses on the strategy of cooperative protection of personal information security,which ensures the security of personal information and promotes the development of cloud computing and big data.

Keywords:cloud computing;big data;personal information;security collaboration


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