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(河南大学,河南 开封 450001)

摘  要:在信息社会背景下,大数据成为当下主要的发展方向,信息产业和互联网已经渗透到社会各个领域中,计算机技术为人们的工作和生活带来极大的便利,并推动着人类文明社会的进步与发展。大数据时代最大的特征就是信息海量化、丰富化,但是网络信息的安全系数较低,一旦出现信息泄露就会造成严重的损失,网络信息安全人员必须要意识到信息安全的重要性,并采取有效的措施,最大化保证计算机网络信息安全。该文首先概述大数据时代的特点,其后分析大数据时代下计算机网络信息安全的影响因素,并针对这些影响因素提出具体的安全防范措施。


中图分类号:TP309.2         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0140-03

Discussion on Computer Network Information Security in the Big Data Era

YANG Bohan

(Henan University,Kaifeng 450001,China)

Abstract:In the context of the information society,big data has become the main development direction of the current society.The information industry and the internet have penetrated into all areas of society. Computer technology has brought great convenience to people’s work and life and promoted human civilization progress and development. The biggest feature of the era of big data is that information presents characteristics such as quantification and richness. However,the security factor of network information is low. Once information leakage occurs,it will cause serious losses. Therefore,network information security personnel must pay great attention and adopt effective Measures to maximize the security of computer network information. This article mainly summarizes the era of big data,analyzes the influencing factors of computer network information security in the era of big data and proposes specific security precautions.

Keywords:big data;computer network;information security


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