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(中国信息通信研究院 产业与规划研究所,北京 100037)

摘  要:域名解析是互联网用户访问互联网通信过程中的关键组成环节,而递归域名解析是该过程的入口。一般来说,递归解析服务默认由用户所接入的宽带服务商提供,但由于递归服务的开放性,为掌控互联网流量,许多知名互联网企业开始面向用户提供递归解析服务,称之为公共递归解析服务。文章从国内外递归解析服务的发展现状入手,分析我国公共递归解析业务面临的问题,并提出建议,为政府规范该服务,推动全国宽带用户体验提升提供参考。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0142-03

Research on the Development of Public Recursive Parsing Service

LI Xiang

(Institute of Industry and Planning of the CAICT,Beijing 100037,China)

Abstract:Domain name resolution is a key component in the process of internet users accessing internet communication,and recursive domain name resolution is the entrance of the system. Generally speaking,recursion resolution service is provided by broadband service providers accessed by users by default. However,due to the openness of recursion service,in order to control Internet traffic, many well-known internet enterprises began to provide recursion resolution service for users,which is called public recursion resolution service. This paper starts with the development of recursive parsing service at home and abroad,analyzes the problems faced by the public recursive parsing service in China,and puts forward suggestions for the government to regulate the service and promote the national broadband user experience.

Keywords:domain name;recursive domain name;public recursive resolution service


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