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安全应急在IT 运维管理中的应用
(安徽省住房和城乡建设信息中心,安徽 合肥 230091)

摘  要:建立完善高效的安全应急机制是各级政府部门IT 运维中心做好中心机房设备运维、业务系统运维的基础保障,也是提升安全事件处置能力的有力支撑。文章以省级政府部门IT 运维中心日常运维工作为例,分析了IT 运维过程中经常遇到的安全应急问题,提出建立安全应急计划的方法和措施,希望对各单位、部门IT 运维工作有所帮助。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0149-03

The Application of Security Emergency in IT Operation and Maintenance Management

LI Zhenjing

(Anhui Housing and Urban-Rural Development Information Center,Hefei 230091,China)

Abstract:Establishing a perfect and efficient security emergency response mechanism is the basic task for the IT operation and maintenance center of the government at all levels,which is the basic guarantee for the maintenance of equipment and the business system in the central computer room and the strong support for improving the ability to handle security incidents. This article takes the daily operation and maintenance work done by the IT department of the provincial government as an example. The author analyzes the security emergency problems often encountered in the process of IT operation and maintenance,and proposes methods and measures for establishing a security emergency plan,hoping that it is helpful to the IT operation and maintenance of various units and departments in the government.

Keywords:operation and maintenance management;operation security;emergency plan


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