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(天津工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院,天津 300387)

摘  要:随着个人数据量的增多,公民对个人数据保护意识的不断增强,传统的基于“通知和同意”的个人数据保护方案已无法防范个人数据被恶意分析,售卖的风险,亦无法平衡数据所有者和数据使用者之间的利益。文章深入研究了GDPR 赋予数据主体的各项权利,个人数据确权的必要性以及用于支撑确权的个人数据生命周期理论。根据“自底向上”的个人数据确权方法和区块链技术,提出了可用于确权的个人数据生命周期模型。


中图分类号:TP311.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0154-03

Research on the Theory of Personal Data Right Confirmation and Management Life Cycle

YANG Jiarun

(School of Computer Science and Technology,Tiangong University,Tianjin 300387,China)

Abstract:With the increase of the amount of personal data and the increasing awareness of citizens on personal data protection,the traditional personal data protection scheme based on“notice and consent”can no longer prevent personal data from being maliciously analyzed and sold,nor can it balance the interests of data owners and data users. This paper made an in-depth study of the rights granted to data subjects by GDPR,the necessity of personal data determined and the life cycle theory of personal data used to support the right determined. According to the “bottom-up” method of personal data right determined and the blockchain technology,a life cycle model of personal data that can be used for right determined is proposed.

Keywords:blockchain;personal data;GDPR;data determined


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