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(青岛科技大学 信息科学技术学院,山东 青岛 266061)

摘  要:为了改进传统决策树算法存在的一些问题,文章结合粗糙集理论提出一种基于粒度决策熵的决策树算法DTGDE。DTGDE 算法采用粒度决策熵作为分裂属性的选择标准。在该信息熵模型中,粒度决策熵可以同时表示知识的完备性和知识的粒度大小,因此,利用粒度决策熵来选择分裂属性能够更加全面地考察每个属性对决策分类的贡献。实验结果表明,DTGDE 算法具有比现有决策树算法更好的入侵检测性能。


中图分类号:TP309         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0147-07

The Application of an Improved Decision Tree Algorithm in Intrusion Detection


(College of Information Science and Technology,Qingdao University of Science & Technology,Qingdao 266061,China)

Abstract:In order to improve the existing problems of traditional decision tree algorithm,a decision tree algorithm DTGDE based on granular decision entropy is proposed by combining with rough set theory. DTGDE algorithm uses granular decision entropy as the selection standard of splitting attributes. In the information entropy model,the granular decision entropy can represent both the completeness of knowledge and the granularity size of knowledge. Therefore,using granular decision entropy to select split attributes can more comprehensively investigate the contribution of each attribute to decision classification. Experimental results show that DTGDE algorithm has better intrusion detection performance than existing decision tree algorithms.

Keywords:decision tree;rough set;information entropy;granular decision entropy;significance of attribute;intrusion detection


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