摘 要:针对当下网络安全人才紧缺、网络信息安全攻防平台无法满足学校开展实践训练的问题,提出了采用 Python 的Django 框架、MySQL+Redis 数据库、基于 Docker 容器的信息安全攻防平台。重点介绍了平台的开发思路与实现过程,对学习信息安全知识和技能、了解网络攻防竞赛以及系统开发具有较大帮助。
基金项目:凯里学院大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202010669041);贵州省普通高等学校青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合 KY 字〔2020〕179、黔教合 KY 字〔2020〕180)
Information Security Attack and Defense Platform Based on Docker Container
LI Qiuxian,SHI Yunsheng,ZHOU Quanxing
(School of Big Data Engineering,Kaili University,Kaili 556011,China)
Abstract:In response to the current shortage of network security talents and the network information security attack and defense platform that cannot meet the practical training of schools,this paper proposes an information security attack and defense platform based on Python Django framework,MySQL+Redis database and Docker container. It focuses on the development ideas and implementation process of the platform,which is of great help to learning information security knowledge and skills,understanding network attack and defense competitions,and system development.
Keywords:Docker;information security;network security;attack and defense platform
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