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(江西制造职业技术学院,江西 南昌 330095)

摘  要:新冠肺炎疫情给网络安全提出了新的挑战,新冠疫情发生以来,在高职学院校园上网负载和访问流量大幅增加的情况下,网络安全风险和攻击事件数量趋于上升,在探索实践中,安全运维人员可以围绕高职院校校园网络安全体系的现状,从机构优化、制度落实、网络优化、私有云虚拟服务、云上移动运维、日常巡检、定期培训、应急演练和上报反馈等几方面对其进行优化。



中图分类号:TP309                                      文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0168-05

Optimization of Network Security System in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of COVID-19 Epidemic Situation

LIAO Feng,CHEN Yufei

(Jiangxi Technical College Of Manufacturing,Nanchang 330095,China)

AbstractThe COVID-19 epidemic situation poses a new challenge to network security. Since the outbreak of the epidemic,in the situation that the campus internet load and access traffic in higher vocational colleges have increased significantly,the number of network security risk and attack events is increasing. In exploratory practice,the safety operation and maintenance personnel can optimize the campus network security system in higher vocational colleges based on its current situation from the aspects of organization optimization, system implementation,network optimization,private cloud virtual service,mobile operation and maintenance in cloud,daily inspection,regular training,emergency drill and reporting feedback.

Keywordsnetwork security;system optimization;private cloud;data center


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作者简介:廖锋(1976.08—),男,汉族,江西赣州人,系 统分析师,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向:网络安全和信息化建设 及管理、计算机网络、电子商务。