摘 要:随着医院信息化的快速发展,信息系统在医院的医疗、服务和管理上发挥着越来越重要的作用,信息系统运维管理解决方案是提高信息系统可用性的重要保障。本文以厦门市某三甲医院为例,讲述如何通过基于微信企业号的信息系统实现运维闭环管理,实现信息系统故障的快速响应,并做到维护状态可跟踪、路径可追溯、服务可评价、数据可分析。在改进与优化方面,希望将来系统能够实现微信聊天信息的一键派单,提高服务请求响应速度。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)16-0158-04
Explore on Closed-Loop Management and Optimization of Hospital Information System Operation and Maintenance
CHEN Yinping, LI Fenglin
(Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University, Xiamen 361004, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of hospital informatization, information system plays a more and more important role in hospital medical treatment, service and management, to this end, the solution for information system operation and maintenance management is an important guarantee to improve the availability of information system. Taking a third class hospital in Xiamen as an example, this paper describes how to realize the closed-loop management of operation and maintenance through the information system based on WeChat enterprise number, realize the rapid response to the failure of the information system, and achieve the traceability of maintenance status, path traceability, service evaluability and data analyzable. In terms of improvement and optimization, it is hoped that in the future, the system can realize one click dispatch of WeChat chat information and improve the response speed of service request.
Keywords: hospital informatization; operation and maintenance management; closed-loop; WeChat enterprise number
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作者简介:陈银评(1980—),男,汉族,福建漳州人,高级职称,本科,研究方向:医疗信息化;李峰林(1983—)男,汉族, 福建厦门人,高级职称,硕士研究生,研究方向:医疗信息化。