摘 要:着当今时代网络的高速发展与广泛应用,大量的互联网信息也随之而来,如何对互联网进行监测与分析便成了一项重大的命题,识别网络舆情在公众情绪中的变化趋势具有重要意义。基于此,对高校的网络舆情监测机制进行分析研究,提出一个基于互联网话题定时的新词结构发掘方法。通过监测校园中的公共事件,实现对校园中网络信息的有效监控。
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0145-04
Research on Network Public Opinion Monitoring Mechanism in Universities
CHEN Meng, LI Xuezhi
(School of Information Engineering, Xinjiang Institute of Technology, Aksu 843100, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development and wide application of the network in today's era, a large amount of internet information also appears. How to monitor and analyze the internet has become a major proposition, it is of great significance to identify the change trend of network public opinion in public sentiment. Based on this, this paper analyzes and studies the network public opinion monitoring mechanism of universities, and puts forward a new word structure mining method based on internet topic timing. By monitoring the public events in the campus, we can effectively monitor the network information in the campus.
Keywords: university public opinion; public opinion monitoring; data mining; sentiment analysis
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