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( 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院,上海 200025)

摘  要:探讨了基于多传感器数据融合的医疗设备信息安全漏洞风险预警系统设计原则。在硬件设计上选择多传感器无线拓扑结构,在其上搭载 GPRS 通信模块,实现报警数据的采集与传输;在软件设计上,计算无线网络区域内所有节点能耗,以能耗最低为依据,确定簇首节点,通过多个簇首节点融合传感器数据,将融合后的数据传输到预警模块,在即时通信方案的支持下,实现风险预警。



中图分类号:TP309                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0161-05

Risk Early Warning Analysis of Information Security Vulnerabilities in Medical Equipment

XU Zhongcheng

(Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)

Abstract: In this paper, the design principle of medical equipment information security vulnerability risk early warning system based on multi-sensor data fusion is discussed. In the hardware design, the multi-sensor wireless topology is selected, and the GPRS communication module is installed on it to realize the collection and transmission of alarm data. In the software design, it calculates the energy consumption of all nodes in the wireless network area, determines the cluster head node based on the lowest energy consumption, fuses the sensor data through multiple cluster head nodes, transmits the fused data to the early warning module, and realizes risk early warning with the support of instant communication scheme.

Keywords: multi-sensor; data fusion; medical equipment information security; security vulnerability detection; information processing; early warning system


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