摘 要:从目前校园网络的使用来看,受到网络自身结构、网络设备以及其他因素的影响,校园网络的安全还存在较多的问题。在实际使用中,数据和信息的安全无法得到保证。因此,为了有效提高校园网络的实用性,应当重视其安全问题,并制定有效的应对策略,保证校园网络的安全达标。
中图分类号:TP393.18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0158-02
The Security Problems and Countermeasures of the Campus Network
WANG Jiahong
(Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture Finance and Trade School,Dali 671003,China)
Abstract:From the current use of campus network,there are many problems in the security of campus network under the influenceof network structure,network equipment and other factors. In practice,the security of data and information can not be guaranteed.Therefore,in order to effectively improve the practicality of the campus network,we should pay enough attention to its security problemsand formulate effective countermeasures to ensure the safety of the campus network.
Keywords:campus network;network security
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