摘 要:在当前经济飞速发展的背景下,人们对于建筑的要求不断地增高,虽然建筑业取得了比较好的发展,但是也面临着当代社会发展所带来的严峻挑战。随着高新科技的不断发展,计算机科学技术的应用范围也在不断的扩大。将其合理的应用在智能化建筑中,能够极大地推动工程项目建设的进一步发展。本文主要针对智能化建筑中计算机科学与技术的应用价值进行了详细的分析。
中图分类号:TU855 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0114-03
The Value of Applying Computer Science and Technology in Intelligent Building
WANG Chenxu
(Liaoning Normal University Haihua College,Shenyang 110167,China)
Abstract:In the current context of rapid economic development,people’s increasing demand for construction. Although the construction industry has made good progress,it is also facing severe challenges brought by contemporary social development. With the continuous development of high and new technology,the application scope of computer science and technology is also increasing. Its reasonable application in intelligent building can greatly promote the further development of engineering project construction. In this paper,the application value of computer science and technology in intelligent building is analyzed in detail.
Keywords:intelligent building;engineering informatization;computer science;computer technology
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作者简介:王晨旭(1996.02-),男,满族,辽宁东港人,15 级本科在读,学士学位,研究方向:计算机科学与技术。