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(国网冀北电力有限公司迁西县供电分公司,河北 唐山 064300)

摘  要:随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的用电需求也在逐渐提升,但由于我国人口基数大,用电人口众多,这就使得抄表及核算工作的任务量巨大,再加之我国人工查表核算存在效率较低、耗费时间长、易出差错等情况,显然已经无法适应当前企业的发展需求,所以电力企业抄表收费智能化是电力企业业务发展的重要方向和趋势,这样即能够提升工作效率,同时能够提升电力企业的整体业务水平。


中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0129-03

Intelligent Charging of Meter Reading Accounting in
Electric Power Enterprises and Its Application
LIU Jingjing
(Qianxi County Power Supply Branch of State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan 064300,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of China’s economy,people’s demand for electricity is also increasing gradually.However,because of the large population and large population of electricity users in China,the task of meter reading and accounting is huge. In addition,the situation of low efficiency,long time-consuming and error-prone of manual meter checking in China has obviously not fully adapted to the current development needs of enterprises. Intelligent meter charge is an important direction and trend of business development of electric power enterprises,which improves work efficiency and overall business level of electric power enterprises.

Keywords:electric power enterprise;meter reading;accounting;intelligent charging


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