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小学信息技术3D 打印教学的思考
(常熟市虞山园区小学,江苏 常熟 215500)

摘  要:3D 打印课程是一门兼有知识性、新颖性和趣味性的信息技术教学内容,有助于激发学生参与课程学习的兴趣,并使他们在快乐地动手操作的过程中提升自身的工程思维、数学逻辑和科学素养,教育价值重大。本文基于小学信息技术3D 打印课程教学,重点就课程设计的基本流程及应用要点进行了探讨,希望为后续相关课程教学提供一些新的思路。

关键词:小学教育;信息技术;3D 打印;教学方法

中图分类号:TP391.73;G623.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0119-03

Reflections on 3D Printing Teaching of Information Technology in Primary Schools
(Yushan Park Primary School in Changshu,Changshu 215500,China)

Abstract:The course of 3D printing is a kind of information technology teaching content with knowledge,novelty and interest. It helps stimulate students’interest in participating in the course,and makes them improve their engineering thinking,mathematical logic and scientific literacy in the process of happily operating. It is of great educational value. Based on the teaching of information technology 3D printing course in primary schools,this paper focuses on the basic process of curriculum design and application points,hoping to provide some new ideas for the follow-up teaching of related courses.

Keywords:primary education;information technology;3D printing;teaching methods


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