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(中国石油天然气集团公司大港油田分公司,天津 300280)

摘  要:大数据技术已经逐渐成为促进油气勘探开发深入发展的重要技术手段,国内外油气生产企业已越来越重视大数据技术的研究、探索和应用。本文针对大港油田大数据技术在油气勘探开发储层预测、油气层识别、地震数据管理、抽油井预测性维护、解决套损套变等领域的应用及取得的成果进行了综合描述。


中图分类号:TP311.13;F426.22         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0122-03

Application of Big Data Technology in Oilfield Exploration and Development

WU Yongping

(China Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation Dagang Oilfield Branch,Tianjin 300280,China)

Abstract:Big data technology has gradually become an important technical means to promote the in-depth development of oiland gas exploration and development. Domestic and foreign oil and gas production enterprises have paid more and more attention to theresearch,exploration and application of big data technology. In this paper,the application and achievements of big data technology inreservoir prediction,reservoir identification,seismic data management,predictive maintenance of pumping wells,casing damage and casing variation in Dagang oilfield are described comprehensively.

Keywords:Dagang oilfield;big data;exploration and development


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