摘 要:网络通信技术和信息技术的迅猛发展促成了我国网民数量的急剧增长。移动通信,移动学习已成为人们生活和学习的重要组成部分。本研究通过对我校300 名大学生进行问卷调查和深度访谈,从移动学习工具、移动学习资源和移动学习行为三方面勾勒出我校大学生开展移动学习的基本现状。并以此为基础提出了促进大学生移动学习的对策和建议,如:加强移动学习环境建设、加强移动学习资源建设、加强移动学习策略指导等。
中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0131-04
Research on the Current Situation of Mobile Learning of College Students
——Take Maanshan Teacher’s College as an Example
SUN Zongling
(Maanshan Teacher’s College,Maanshan 243041,China)
Abstract:The rapid development of network communication technology and information technology contributed to the rapidgrowth of the number of internet users in China. Mobile communication and mobile learning has become an important part of people’slife and learning. This study traced the outline of the basic status of the development of mobile learning in our university students from themobile learning tools,mobile learning resource and mobile learning behavior three aspects by the questionnaire survey and interviewsabout 300 college students. And based on this proposed to promote college students’mobile learning strategies and suggestions,suchas:strengthen the construction of mobile learning environment,strengthen the construction of mobile learning resources,strengthen themobile learning strategy instruction etc.
Keywords:mobile learning;mobile learning resource;mobile learning environment
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