摘 要:随着社会现代化进程的加快,人类生活水平不断提高,人们生活在一个由科技引领着进步的时代。从上个世纪连听到“机器人”都感觉不可思议,到现在人手一个智能机,家家户户还有各种各样的智能机器,这些都体现出现代智能信息技术的蓬勃发展。与此同时,信息的累积造就了庞大的数据库,近年来,“大数据”一词极为火热,各行各业都在运用“大数据”以求取得更大的发展空间。而作为容纳着丰富信息资源的图书馆,大数据的运用和图书馆的智能信息技术服务都是不可或缺的。
中图分类号:G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0099-03
Big Data and Library Intelligent Information Technology Service
ZHOU Mengqiu
(Jilin Province Library,Changchun 130028,China)
Abstract:With the acceleration of social modernization and the continuous improvement of human living standards,people live in an era of progress led by science and technology. From the last century,people who even heard of “robots” feel incredible,now they have a smart phone,and there are all kinds of smart machines in every household. All these reflect the vigorous development of modern intelligent information technology. At the same time,the accumulation of information has created a huge database. In recent years,the term “big data” has become extremely hot. All walks of life are using “big data” in order to achieve greater development space. As a library containing abundant information resources,the use of big data and the library’s intelligent information technology services are indispensable.
Keywords:big data;intelligent information technology services;library management
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