摘 要:代际收入流动测度的是父代收入对子代收入的影响程度。本文基于CHIP2013 数据,应用分位数回归方法,利用stata 软件测度出不同分位数下教育对代际收入流动的影响,结果显示:在子代的条件收入分布给定的情况下,父代收入处于低分位点的代际收入相关性比处于高分位点的要高;引入受教育年限作为代理变量之后,代际收入流动的程度总体上降低了,而且相对于高分位点,低分位点上的教育回报率更高。收入代际传递的其中一个重要机制是来自教育,不同群体的代际相关性的差异也是来源于教育回报的异质性。
关键词:代际收入流动;分位数回归;stata 统计软件
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0121-03
The Impact of Education on Intergenerational Income Flow in Urban and Rural Areas under Quantile Regression
(Economics School of Anhui University,Hefei 230601,China)
Abstract:Intergenerational income mobility measures the influence of father’s income on offspring’s income. Based on CHIP2013 data,this paper uses quantile regression method and stata software to measure the impact of education on intergenerational income flow in different quantiles. The results show that the intergenerational income correlation of the father’s income at low points is higher than that at high points when the conditional income distribution of the offspring is given. After introducing the years of education as the proxy variable,the intergenerational income correlation of the father’s income at low points is higher than that at high points. The degree of income mobility has generally decreased,and the return on education at low loci is higher than that at high loci. An important mechanism of intergenerational transmission of income comes from education,and the difference of intergenerational correlation among different groups also comes from the heterogeneity of educational returns.
Keywords:intergenerational income flow;quantile regression;stata statistical software
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作者简介:宋静(1995-),女,汉族,安徽六安人,2018 级应用统计专业,硕士研究生,研究方向:收入分配。