摘 要:BIM 就是建筑工程信息建模,在建筑模型构建过程中,要发挥多项信息应用价值,基于建筑模型细致化划分能为建设人员提供更多参考信息。在土木工程施工建设中,BIM 应用价值突出,能对土木工程施工资源进行合理分配,降低项目施工成本,提升施工管理效率。
关键词:土木工程施工;BIM 技术;信息建模
中图分类号:TU722;TU17 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0126-02
Effective Application of BIM Technology in Civil Engineering Construction
ZHANG Lingdu
(Yuncheng Jinyue Shunda Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Co.,Ltd.,Yuncheng 043899,China)
Abstract:BIM is the information modeling of construction engineering. In the process of building model construction,it is necessary to give full play to a number of information application value. Detailed partition based on building model can provide more reference information for builders. In the construction of civil engineering,BIM has prominent application value. It can reasonably allocate the construction resources of civil engineering,reduce the construction cost of the project and improve the efficiency of construction management.
Keywords:civil engineering construction;BIM technology;information modeling
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