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(贵州电网有限责任公司信息中心,贵州 贵阳 550002)

摘  要:移动互联网时代,人们生活、娱乐和工作的方式逐渐由PC 终端向移动终端转移。相应的,就电力行业而言,人们也逐渐倾向于优先选择网络支付进行生活缴费,特别是年轻一代。因为网络支付可以提供7×24 小时随时随地的购电、缴费服务,也很好地满足了流动人员的购电、缴费需求。因此,电力企业与时俱进,提供了支付宝、微信等多样化的缴费渠道,满足不同细分客户群体的缴费需求,提高缴费服务能力,提高电费回收及时率,提高电费回收风险的控制力。但即使如此,电力企业依然存在相当部分电费无法及时回收的问题。其中一个重要原因是电费账单推送不及时,当前电力企业营销系统账单的主要推送方式还是短信订阅,这种账单推送方式不仅成本高,且展现形式单一。相反的,开展电子账单多样化的通知推送,完善电子账单的内容,不仅能够加强电力企业与用电客户的互动,提升客户服务能力,提高用户满意度,降低日常运营成本,并且都能从整体上有效地提高电费回收工作的效率和营销管理水平,极大地提升了服务水平和电力企业的社会美誉度,树立良好的社会形象。


中图分类号:TP33;TN99         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0108-03

Research on the Application of Bill Electronization in Electric Power Enterprise Marketing System to Electricity Fee Recovery

YANG Song,ZHOU Ling,WU Fangquan,TANG Chengjia

(Information Center of Guizhou Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guiyang 550002,China)

Abstract:In the era of mobile internet,people’s way of life,entertainment and work is gradually shifting from PC terminal to mobile terminal. Correspondingly,as far as the power industry is concerned,people are also gradually inclined to give priority to network payment for living expenses,especially for the younger generation. Because the network payment can provide 7×24 hours anytime,anywhere electricity purchase and payment services,and also very good to meet the demand of mobile people for electricity purchase and payment. Therefore,the power companies are advancing with the times,providing diversified payment channels such as Alipay and WeChat to meet the needs of different subdivision customers,improve the ability to pay services,increase the rate of timely recovery of electricity charges,and enhance the control power of the risk of electricity recovery. But even so,there are still quite a number of power companies can not recover electricity charges in time. One of the important reasons is that the bills are not pushed in time. At present,the main way of bills pushing in power enterprise marketing system is SMS subscription. This way of bills pushing is not only high cost,but also a single form of presentation. On the contrary,carrying out diversified notification push of electronic bills and improving the content of electronic bills can not only strengthen the interaction between electric power enterprises and electricity customers,enhance customer service capabilities,improve customer satisfaction, reduce daily operating costs,but also effectively improve the efficiency of electricity bills recovery and marketing management as a whole,greatly improving service level and electricity consumption. Strengthen the social reputation of enterprises and establish a good social image.

Keywords:mobile internet;mobile payment;electronic bill;electricity fee recovery


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