摘 要:数据库系统的主要载体是信息,其提供的信息已经被人们广泛利用,数据库系统也会面临各种安全威胁,这要求学生在学习时不仅要注意对系统的整体了解和把握,也要学会解决数据库系统中存在的安全隐患。因此,学生在学习“SQLServer 数据库”时肯定会存在一定的困难,从而学习过程就会显得枯燥、乏味,于是笔者就引入了快乐教学法。现代教学心理学研究了学生的学习心理发现,学生学习的好坏、学习能力是否能提高的动力来源于学生的自主学习,而兴趣恰恰是自主学习的动力。老师教学有趣,学生自然会产生学习兴趣,同时专注力提高,对学习兴趣的提高还会使得学生爱学习、勤学习,学生心态的改变有利于他们更好的接受和学习SQL Server 数据库系统。本文从SQL Server 数据库系统的基本内容,快乐教学法在SQL Server数据库教学运用的现状,存在的问题及如何更好的在“SQL Server 数据库”课程中实施快乐教学法的策略等几个方面为其提供参考性意见。
关键词:SQL Server 数据库;快乐教学法;数据库管理系统
中图分类号:G712;TP311.138 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0115-03
Application of Happy Teaching Method in “SQL Server Database” Course
(China Machinery Industry Suzhou Senior Technical School,Suzhou 215101,China)
Abstract:The main carrier of database system is information,which has been widely used,and database system will also face various security threats,which requires students not only to pay attention to the overall understanding and grasp of the system,but also to learn to solve the security risks in the database system. Therefore,students will have some difficulties in learning “SQL Server database”,so the learning process will be dull and tedious,so the author introduced the happy teaching method. Modern teaching psychology studies students’learning psychology and finds that the motivation of students’learning quality and learning ability improvement comes from students’autonomous learning,and interest is exactly the motivation of autonomous learning. Teacher’s teaching is interesting,students will naturally have interest in learning,while improving their focus,interest in learning will also make students love learning,diligent learning,the change of students’mentality is conducive to their better acceptance and learning of SQL Server database system. This paper provides some reference opinions on the basic content of SQL Server data system,the current situation of the application of happy teaching method in the teaching of SQL Server database,the existing problems and how to better implement the strategy of happy teaching method in the course of “SQL Server Database” provide reference opinions for it.
Keywords:SQL Server database;happy teaching method;database management system
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