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(岫岩融媒体中心,辽宁 鞍山 114300)

摘  要:众所周知,在实际的社会发展当中,广播电视事业的发展是非常重要的一部分,这一事业如果可以科学合理地发展,那么就会将广大的人民群众与国家的发展事业联系得非常密切,这一趋势无论是对于社会经济的发展还是人民群众的工作生活,都是具有非常大的裨益的。故此,本文将结合广播电视自身的发展实际,并且在研究的过程当中,将会分别以资源通融、内容兼融、多媒同播为主要的工作目标,设计并且实现实际的广电融媒体平台建设。在文章当中,还会对这一探索过程中存在的阻碍进行一定的阐述,以便制定出更加合适当下的发展策略,另外,针对实际的实施过程中的设计思想以及技术的实现、应用情况都会进行详细的阐述。


中图分类号:TN948         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0093-03

Exploration of Broadcasting and Television Media Convergence Co-broadcasting Platform

WU Xiaoping

(Xiuyan Media Convergence Center,Anshan 114300,China)

Abstract:As we all know,in the actual social development,the development of radio and television is a very important part.If this development can be carried out scientifically and reasonably,the broad masses of the people will be very closely linked with the development of the country. This trend is of great benefit to the development of social economy and the work and life of the people.Therefore,this paper will combine the reality of the development of radio and television itself,and in the course of the study,will design and realize the actual construction of radio and television financial media platform with the main objectives of resource accommodation,content integration and multi-media co-broadcasting. In the article,we will also elaborate on the obstacles in the process of exploration in order to formulate more appropriate development strategies. In addition,in view of the actual implementation process of the design ideas,technology implementation,application will be described in detail.

Keywords:radio and television;media convergence;simultaneous broadcasting platform


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