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基于 TOGAF 架构方法论的银行智慧零售方案
(广州杰赛科技股份有限公司,广东 广州 510310)

摘  要:在智慧城市建设的带动下,信息化规划在企业的信息化建设项目中越来越重要,决策者更为关注信息化建设与企业战略目标的匹配度,为了科学规划银行智慧零售领域的信息化架构,采用 TOGAF 企业信息化架构设计理念,逐步推导银行智慧零售业务战略、目标、业务架构,并选取一种线下用户场景展开业务分析,输出基于轻应用的银行零售解决方案,实践基于TOGAF 的领域信息化规划方法。


中图分类号:TP399;F270.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0110-05

Bank Intelligent Retail Scheme Based on TOGAF Architecture Methodology

TAN Yunting

(Guangzhou Jiesai Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510310,China)

Abstract:Driven by the construction of smart city,informatization planning is becoming more and more important in enterprises’informatization construction projects. Policymakers pay more attention to the matching degree between informatization construction and enterprises’strategic objectives. In order to scientifically plan the informatization architecture of banks’smart retail sector,TOGAF enterprise informatization architecture design concept is adopted. Gradually deduce the strategy,target and business structure of bank’s intelligent retail business,and select an offline user scenario to conduct business analysis,export the bank’s retail solution based on light application,and practice the TOGAF-based domain information planning method.

Keywords:smart bank;smart retail;light application;TOGAF;enterprise informatization architecture design;business architecture design


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作者简介:谭云婷(1980.02-),女,汉族,广东南海人,高级工程师,研究生,研究方向:智慧城市规划设计、行业信息化 规划设计。