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一种改进Deep Forest算法在保险购买预测场景中的应用研究
(中国人寿保险股份有限公司 研发中心,北京 100033)

摘  要:为了实现保险场景的精准营销,同时充分利用千万级客户和保单历史成交记录的数据特点,本文经热门算法研究和统计理论分析,提出一种基于 XGBoost 改造的 Deep Forest 级联算法。该算法采用 XGBoost 浅层机器学习算法作为Deep Forest 级联构建块,同时用 AUC-PR 标准作为级联构建深度学习不平衡样本评价的自适应过程,并将此算法分别与原有XGBoost 算法和原始 Deep Forest 算法进行性能比较。经实践,上述算法应用投产于保险购买预测场景中,分别比原有 XGBoost算法和原 Deep Forest 算法提高 5.5% 和 2.8%,效果显著;同时提出的浅层学习向基于 Deep Forest 深度优化操作流程,也为其他类似应用场景提供了实践参考方向。

关键词:Deep Forest;XGBoost;深度学习;保险精准营销

中图分类号:TP301.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0116-07

Application of an Improved Deep Forest Algorithm in Insurance Purchase Prediction Scenario

LIN Pengcheng,TANG Hui

(Research and Development Center of China Life Insurance (Group) Company,Beijing 100033,China)

Abstract:In order to realize the precise marketing of the insurance scenario,and make full use of the data characteristics of tens  of millions of customers and the historical transaction records of insurance policies,this paper proposes a Deep Forest cascade algorithm based on XGBoost transformation through popular algorithm research and statistical theory analysis. This algorithm adopts XGBoost shallow machine learning algorithm as the building block of Deep Forest cascade,and uses AUC-PR standard as the adaptive process of cascading deep learning unbalanced sample evaluation,and compares the performance of this algorithm with the original XGBoost algorithm and the original Deep Forest algorithm respectively. Practice has proved that the above algorithm applied in the prediction scenario of insurance purchase is improved by 5.5% and 2.8%,respectively,compared with the original XGBoost algorithm and the original Deep Forest algorithm. At the same time,the proposed shallow learning direction based on Deep Forest depth optimization operation process also provides practical reference for other similar application scenarios.

Keywords:Deep Forest;XGBoost;deep learning;insurance precision marketing


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