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信息化应用2018 年3 期

(徐州工业职业技术学院,江苏 徐州 221140)

摘  要:数字图书馆的互联使访问分散在各处的信息资源得以实现。为了提高资源的序化程度和便于人们的利用,文件、多媒体、数据库、网站、搜索引擎、编目和学科信息门户信息组织方式已运用于Internet 信息的组织。数字图书馆信息组织直接影响图书馆中数字资源的存储、管理和检索方式。本文主要从信息组织技术方面来研讨图书馆的服务,以推动数字图书馆的发展。


中图分类号:G250.72         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0124-03

Digital Library Services Based on Information Organization Technology
ZHU Rong
(Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology,Xuzhou 221140,China)

Abstract:The interconnection of digital libraries allows the access to information resources scattered throughout the country. In order to increase the orderliness of resources and promote people's use,the documents,multimedia,databases,websites, search engines,cataloging and subject information portals have been applied to the organization of Internet information. Digital library information organization directly affects the storage,management,and retrieval of library digital resources. This paper mainly discusses the service of library from the information organization technology to promote the development of digital library.

Keywords:digital library;service mode;information organization


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