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信息化应用2018 年3 期

(中国电力财务有限公司,北京 100005)

摘  要:智能化发展速度迅猛,渐渐影响了传统的档案管理方法和模式。随着信息化和智能化技术的逐渐成熟,高效档案系统智能管理开始出现。国家、企业对此投入了巨大的人力、物力和财力,但是由于我国智能化水平总体偏低,信息化水平仍有待加强,所以档案系统的智能管理情况不容乐观。本文主要就高效档案系统的智能化管理操作原理、现实意义等进行探讨,并总结出高效档案系统智能管理的具体构建方法。


中图分类号:G270.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0139-02

Construction of Intelligent Management of High Efficiency Archives System
(China Power Finance Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100005,China)

Abstract:The rapid development of intelligence has gradually influenced the traditional method and mode of archives management. With the maturity of information technology and intelligent technology,intelligent management of efficient archives system is beginning to appear. The state and enterprises have invested huge manpower,material and financial resources on this,but the level of information technology still needs to be strengthened because of the low level of intelligence in our country,so the intelligence management of the file system is not optimistic. This paper mainly discusses the operation principle and practical significance of the intelligent management of the efficient archives system,and summarizes the concrete construction methods of the intelligent management of the efficient archives system.

Keywords:big data era;archives system;intelligent management


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