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(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:“单片机”课程是高校电子类专业的重要科目之一,作为一门实践型强的课程,它要求教师在教学过程中必须将理论与实验进行结合,这样才能使该课程高效地开展下去。在高职院校中,“单片机”课程教学效率和质量还有待提高,这主要是因为其教学模式落后、教学方式过于单一、理论课与实践课比例不协调、学生的学习兴趣不高等,从而使得学生无法从该课程中学到真正有用的知识,影响学生综合素质的提高。而将微课教学模式应用于“单片机”课程教学中就能很好地解决以上问题,有效地推进了课程的改革工作,使其思维导图的制定、知识框架的制定、教学模式的制定等工作得到了创新,从而使学生能够更加积极地参与到课程中,促进高职“单片机”课程教学工作快速、稳定的发展。


中图分类号:TP368.1;G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0164-03

 Research on the Application of Micro Course in the Teaching of “Single Chip Microcomputer” Course in Higher Vocational Education

ZHAO Xingna

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)

Abstract:The course of “Single Chip Microcomputer” is one of the important subjects of electronic specialty in colleges and universities. As a practical course,it requires teachers to combine theory with experiment in the teaching process,so that the course can be carried out efficiently. In higher vocational colleges,the teaching efficiency and quality of “Single Chip Microcomputer” course still need to be improved,which is mainly due to its backward teaching mode,single teaching mode,the proportion of theoretical courses and practical courses is not coordinated,and students’interest in learning is not high,so that students can not learn the really useful knowledge from the course,which affects the improvement of students’comprehensive quality. The application of micro course teaching mode in the teaching of “Single Chip Microcomputer” course can solve the above problems,effectively promote the reform of the course,and make innovation in the formulation of mind map,knowledge framework and teaching mode,so that students can participate in the course more actively,and promote the “Single Chip Microcomputer” course in higher vocational education teaching work develops rapidly and steadily.

Keywords:micro course;“Single Chip Microcomputer” course teaching;network teaching


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